I've been having a perfectly fine 50th birthday celebration, but in all fairness I should say that I cheated and started the festivities as early as yesterday, and will probably continue on throughout the entire weekend.
Which brings me to this extraneous birthday post, solely to make an appeal to select commenter's. Anyone is welcome to post their thoughts on whatever stories or subjects I feature in the Catacombs, but over the last week, I've been peppered with more than a dozen random comments - under a variety of names - and over a wide field of previous Catacombs postings. Despite this, all of these comments have included an attached link for a range of goods, products or services. If for a single minute, I felt like these comments were truly genuine, I would allow them, but given the unusual degree of advertising to which this sudden influx of comments seems to be affiliated with, I have no intention of approving them to be seen on my blog.
Please refrain from commenting on my posts if your thoughts, feelings or criticisms are accompanied by advertising links or product placement attachments. I'm not interested in helping perpetuate Internet sales. If you just want to share your personal appreciation for something you find enjoyable here in the Catacombs, then those types of comments will be more than welcome. Please kill the spamming!
Thank you!