Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rulah Jungle Goddess in "Blood Lust of the Biting God" (Fox; 1948)

The Catacombs favorite golden age cutie, Rulah Jungle Goddess reappears after entirely too long an absence in the terrifically-titled "Blood Lust of the Biting God" from All Top Comics #11 (May 1948); originally published by Fox. The Alec Hope credit belongs to either Matt Baker or Jack Kamen, but the GCD doesn't help clarify the matter; so flip a quarter and take your pick. I'll be posting some newly discovered Rulah jungle adventures in the near future, so if you're a fan (like me), please stop by from time to time. The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for this story. Note: The copyright for this issue, its contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or the creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes.


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