I inadvertently skipped last weeks chapters, but creator/writer/editor Irving Crump's "Og, Son of Fire", continues the serialized adventures of a cave boy who lived half a million years ago. The character was originally introduced within the pages of Boys Life magazine in December 1921. The artwork on these strips from The Funnies #6 and #7 (Mar./Apr.1937); originally published by Dell, may be the work of artist Stephen Slesinger, since the illustrations are re-purposed in color from a black & white 1936 Big Little Book version copyrighted to Slesinger. Dell serialized "Og, Son of Fire" in issues of "The Funnies" from January to November of 1937 (comprising issues 4-14 in two page snippets). I'll be presenting all of them in pairs on subsequent Tuesdays until I run out. The Catacombs is grateful to Don "Zu-Gogo" Falkos for providing the scans for these stories. Note: The copyright for both issues, all contents and artwork belong to the original publisher and/or creators and is reproduced here solely for entertainment purposes. Enjoy!